Come along to this dynamic and friendly evening network meeting for business people.
Holiday Inn, Royal Victoria, Sheffield, S4 7YE
Day and time:
Evening Meeting Wednesday 19th Feb 2014 6pm – 8pm
Click this link to visit the Eventbrite site for tickets
We had a great attendance to our last meeting and the room had a great buzz. This time we are expecting the meeting to be even better with a number of guests already booked on.
Our meetings are relaxed yet proffessional and benefit every one who attends by connecting them with their desired customer or supplier.
We guarantee that the meeting will be extremely valuable to you.
As our guest your only investment is £12 paid on attendance to cover your meal, refreshments and parking fee at the hotel.
Booking is essential to reserve your place and to allow the hotel cater correctly for the event. You will also need to bring 30 business cards to pass around as you will meet a lot of diverse business people.